von oliver | Dez. 9, 2019 | Tipps: Music / Books / Movies...etc.
One of my favorie films this year. What a great ensemble! There is not one weak link in this chain.
Johansson & Driver are breathtakingly good! And then you got Dern, Liotta, Alda, Hagerty, Wever…. WOW!
It’s deeply touching, painful and even when brutal & raw it never loses ground! TNX for this one!

von oliver | Dez. 8, 2019 | Tipps: Music / Books / Movies...etc.
NETFLIX just dropped another breathtaking documentary!
This one -as disturbing as it already is- also has a shocking twist at the end that is bound to leave you speechless.
Say „bye bye“ to the legal system!

von oliver | Nov. 29, 2019 | Tipps: Music / Books / Movies...etc.
I was blown away by this beautiful film! It had me after a few seconds and it deeply touched me.
What a story – what a fantastic cast. And there were some of the most beautiful shots I’ve seen in a while.
TNX Mr.Talbot

von oliver | Nov. 27, 2019 | Tipps: Music / Books / Movies...etc.
Wunderbarer, berührender Film über eine „un-mögliche“ Liebe von Thomas Stuber mit großartiger Besetzung und den zwei sehr starken Hauptdarstellern Franz Rogowski und Sandra Hüller!
Unbedingter Tipp!

von oliver | Nov. 20, 2019 | Tipps: Music / Books / Movies...etc.
What a clever, touching book! It’s a real treasure… TNX!