„Blue Jasmine“ by Woody Allen
Great movie inlcuding one of the greatest performances I’ve seen on screen. delivered by the great Cate Blanchett! awesome…
Great movie inlcuding one of the greatest performances I’ve seen on screen. delivered by the great Cate Blanchett! awesome…
strong movie by Scorsese with an incredible lead by DiCaprio and a wondeful performance by Jonah Hill… among others.. p.s.: I’m not an expert! Just a movie-lover!
what a powerful movie!!! with Matthew McConaughey and Jared Leto in heart-rending performances! yes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
what a great bittersweet movie! with a „killer-cast“ and an outsatanding performance by Oscar Isaac! go see it!
too bad this movie didn’t get any nominations for „best movie“ – „best actor“ – „best soundtrack“…at he Oscar’s. but Hollywood works in a „fucked up“- different way!
…mit einer wunderbaren Hannelore Elsner und einem überragenden Elmar Wepper! Gehört für mich mit zum Besten was der europäische Film zu bieten hat.